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Numero di uscita: 42 | mercoledì 9 gennaio 2013

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Days To Swallow

Days To Swallow

Prodotto da: William Benedetti
Etichetta: Cursed Music

Tutti i testi sono scritti da E.z.r.a Page ad eccezione del testo di Fadin’ Out scritto da William Benedetti


2006 in Carrù (CN) ITALY

06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
composta da

1 componente

Jacopo Ramonda (chitarra)

ex componenti

Valerio Menon
Luca Testolin (basso)
Marco Briatore (batteria)
Fabio Berardo

siti internet

La band è attualmente ferma

 E.Z.R.A. Page


All secrets come from youth
When your skin is bulletproof
All my memories are here
Just to prove I really lived.

And the sweet cage of my age
And the sweet pain you carry on
And the passion you’re takin’ from this pain
Is the passion that is keepin’ you alive.

I’m keeper of the sun
Givin’ night a ray of light,
I’m the last day of your life
Tell me your last desire.

And the sweet pain of a teen
And the sweet rage in a tear
And the passion you’re takin’ from this pain
And the passion I saw inside your fear

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